Small Business Centre > Web & Internet Glossary

Web & Internet Glossary



It is difficult keeping up with all the new words and phrases associated with the Internet so we have turned the Internet into plain English.

This Glossary contains some of the common - and not so common phrases - people often see when they use the Internet.  


animated GIF
An animated GIF is a graphic, or image, stored in a GIF type format that consists of two or more images shown in a timed sequence to give the effect of motion. If you visit a website that has an animated character running across the bottom of the screen, you can assume the animation is stored in an animated GIF file.

ASP stands for Application Service Provider.

An applet is a Java program you download from the Internet that is executed by your Browser. Applets are commonly used to run Internet search engines and chat rooms.

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Business to Business [B2B] is the means of conducting business between two or more companies over the Internet, it involves businesses dealing with each other as opposed to their customers.

A banner is an image link that is used for advertising purposes.

A browser, often referred to as a Web Browser, is the software that allows you to connect to the Internet. Currently, the most popular Web Browsers are Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. You and your website visitors must use version 4 or better of these browsers.

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Browsers such as Netscape and Internet Explorer keep copies of the Internet pages you have recently visited in your computer’s disk memory. This disk memory space is called the cache. If you access an Internet page you have recently viewed, your computer retrieves the page from disk memory rather than from the Internet itself. This is much quicker than downloading a page from the Internet

clip art
Clip art is the term for images that you can purchase on a CD from computer shops and use on your website. These CD images are not expensive to buy and there is usually no copyright associated with them. However, there may be terms and conditions under which you may use clip art images so always check the fine print on the CD.

Compression is a technique that reduces, or shrinks, the physical size of a file. A file that is compressed requires less time to upload, download and transfer to other computers. Many programs compress files, although two of the more common programs are PKZIP and WinZip.

A contact is an Internet visitor who has contacted your online business either by ordering one of your products, or by completing one of your feedback forms. You may also define contacts yourself by using the import contacts text link under the manage your contacts button in the navigation menu.

contact tree
The contact tree is a graphic diagram of your contacts. You use your contact tree to create and change information about a contact, assign contacts to different contact groups, and remove contacts.

A cookie is a small file put on your computer by your Web Browser. This file includes information about your Internet usage. For example, it may include the information that you have previously typed to log into a protected area on the Internet (ie. an area requiring a password) during your current connection to the Internet. Cookies are also used to identify you - or to be more precise your computer - as a unique visitor to the Internet.

A counter is used to count the number of visitors that connect to a given website. A counter is useful because it allows you to determine exactly how many people have visited your website.

First used by the science fiction novelist William Gibson in his book "Neuromancer", cyberspace is just a popular synonym for the word Internet.

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domain name
A domain name is the text name corresponding to the numeric IP address of a computer on the Internet. A domain name must be unique. Your Sensis WebWorks™ Set-Up Fee allows you to register a domain name for up to two years (additional charges will apply after this period). Internet users access your website using your domain name.

The process of copying files, information and images from the Internet to your computer. Every time a visitor accesses a page on the Internet, they are downloading the contents of that page.

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Electronic Commerce [e-commerce] refers to the conducting of business on the Internet. This includes buying or selling goods and services over the Internet.

Electronic mail, more commonly referred to as email, is an electronic letter or memo that you can send to anyone on the Internet who has a valid email address.

email address
An email address is a unique Internet destination or location to which you may send electronic mail.

Encryption is the process of converting sensitive information into unreadable code. When you log into the Sensis WebWorks™ administration interface, the information is encrypted before it is sent to the Sensis WebWorks™ server. This ensures that sensitive information such as personal and credit card details remain secure.

When a visitor to your website completes and sends you a feedback form, it is processed as an enquiry.

See file extension.


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Frequently asked questions (FAQ) are a set of common questions (including answers) which a website often receives from its visitors. FAQ are presented in text format and save a visitor the time and effort of emailing their enquiry when it is anticipated most visitors will want to know the answer to it.

file extension
The name assigned to a file stored on your computer is comprised of a file name followed by a file extension. The name and extension are separated by a full stop. For example, a file called contacts.txt has a file name of "contacts" and a file extension of "txt". File extensions are important because they identify the file's type. Furthermore, the Internet cannot recognise or handle files that do not have a specific file extension. You should be aware of three specific file types. Text type files contain plain text and must have a file extension of "txt". Images must be stored in JPG or GIF type files that have a file extension of "gif" or "jpg".

A frame is a technique used on a web page to divide the page into multiple windows. Each window is called a frame and can be further divided into one or more frames. The advantage of frames is that one window can be scrolled or changed while other windows remain fixed.

A File Transfer Protocol [FTP] is software you use to transfer files from one computer to another across the Internet. You don't have to purchase this software or learn how to use it. FTPs are transparent to your online business.

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GIF file
A Graphics Interchange Format [GIF] file is a common file format used to store images such as photos, documents, simple animations and the like. The GIF file format is widely used on the Internet because it uses compression to reduce the file size containing the images. This allows Internet users to download the file quickly. Files you upload to your Sensis Webworks™ website must be stored in a GIF or JPEG file and have the file extension of "gif" or "jpg".


home page
A home page has two meanings. A home page is the first Internet page you see when you visit a website after you have typed in the website's domain name. A home page may also be the first Internet page you see when you start up your Internet Browser.

Hypertext Markup Language [HTML] is the set of markup symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the Internet. The markup tells the Web Browser how to display a website page's words and images on the Internet. The individual markup codes are referred to as elements but many people also refer to them as tags. If you want to look at some HTML, just open any page on the Internet, right-click your mouse and select the "View Source" menu option. A window opens up that displays the HTML code used to display the page you are looking at. However, you don't have to worry about understanding HTML code. Sensis WebWorks™ takes care of that for you.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol [HTTP] is a set of rules for exchanging files [text, graphic images, sound, video, and other multimedia files] on the Internet. You will often see the character "http" in a URL. You don't have to understand this protocol to run your online business.

Similar to hypertext, hypermedia is media (ie. pictures, video and audio) on an Internet page that you can click on with your mouse to transfer you to another page on the Internet.

Hypertext is text on a web page that you can click on with your mouse to transfer you to another page on the Internet. Hypertext, also known as a text link, is usually displayed on the Internet page in a different colour from other text displayed on the page and is often underlined. The link might take you to another page within the same website or to another site. 

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In general terms, an icon is a small graphical image that helps you identify some function or some thing on the Internet.

An image is a company logo, photo, document, animation, picture, line etc. that you can display on one of your website's pages. An image must be stored in a GIF or JPG type file otherwise it cannot be used on the Internet. You can create images of your own using paint programs (eg. Microsoft Paint) or you can buy images from computer shops.

image link
An image link is an image on a web page that is used to transfer an Internet user to another location on the Internet. Image links are used for banners and to assist an Internet user in their navigation through a website.

See upload.

IP address
An IP [Internet Protocol] address is a unique number assigned to every computer directly connected to the Internet (eg.

An Internet Service Provider [ISP] is a company that provides other companies or individuals with access to, or a presence on, the Internet.

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Java is a programming language commonly used with HTML to create and run e-commerce sites on the Internet. You don't have to know Java or create Java programs for your Sensis WebWorks™ website.

A Joint Photographic Experts Group [JPEG] file is a file format commonly used to store photographic images that contain a continuous stream of colour shades. JPEG is a popular file format for sharing and displaying photo images on the Internet. Files you upload to your Sensis Webworks™ website must be a GIF or JPEG file and have the file extension of "gif" or "jpg".

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A link will transfer you from one website page to another with just a click of your mouse. Links can be text or graphics and are easy to spot if you know what to look for. For example, text links are usually displayed in a different colour to the other text on the screen and are often underlined. If you move your mouse over an image located on the Internet and the mouse image changes, it usually means that the image is a link. The buttons in your navigation menu are examples of image links and the underlined text on one of your website's product category pages are examples of text links.

A logo is an image that displays a company's logo. Depending on which template you select Sensis WebWorks™ allows you to place a logo in either the top right hand or top left hand corner of every page on your Internet website.

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navigation buttons
Navigation buttons appear in the navigation menu located on the left-hand side of your website. Your website visitors click on these buttons to find their way (ie. navigate) through your website.

navigation menu
A navigation menu usually appears on the left hand side or across the top of a website.  It contains all the buttons and links you need to develop and manage your Internet website and your online business contacts, orders and enquiries.


Online (or on-line) generally means "powered on" or connected when referring to computers, printers or similar devices. However, the term frequently refers to a person or business connected to, or residing on, the Internet.

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A page, or web page, is a collection of words, graphics, links and images that is identified on the Internet by a unique URL. Your Sensis WebWorks™ Internet website is made up of a group of pages.

paint program
A paint program is software you can download from the Internet, or purchase from computer stores, that allows you to create and change images and then save them in GIF or JPEG type files.

A password is a series of characters (usually a combination of letters and numbers) that allows you to access your Sensis WebWorks™ website. The password is used to keep your account secure. You are asked to enter a password of your choice, along with a login, when you register your Sensis WebWorks™ website. The password you choose must be no shorter than 6 characters, and not exceed eight characters, in length. A password must also begin with a letter of the alphabet. You will need your login, along with your password, every time you access your Sensis WebWorks™ website.

Post Office Protocol (POP3) makes available client-server email messaging.

A pixel is one dot on a computer screen. Computer monitors typically display a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels. Larger and more expensive monitors range up to a resolution of 1600 x 1200 pixels. The higher the number of pixels the sharper the image on the screen. Pixels are also used to define the dimensions of an image or an area on the computer screen.

A protocol is a set of formal rules that describe how data is to be transmitted across the Internet.

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Resolution refers to the density of pixels that occur in a square inch of an image on the computer screen. Density is expressed in dots per inch [dpi] and the higher the density (ie. resolution), the sharper the image appearing on the screen. You should always set the resolution of any image you display on your website to 72 dpi.

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A scanner is a device you can buy at a computer store that allows you to convert photographs and images on paper into a file format that can be displayed on the computer screen. Scanners often allow you to save these paper images in a JPEG or GIF type file.

search engine
A search engine is a free program you can access on the Internet that allows you to search the Internet for websites that are related to specific words or phrases (called keywords). A search engine produces a list of websites that are related to words and phrases identified by an Internet user.

A server is a computer or other device that manages (ie. stores, runs, etc.) specific resources on a network. For example, the mail server on your ISP's network manages your email. A web server manages your website's web pages.

Shareware is free software, products or programs you can download from the Internet and use without paying for their use. Many shareware owners hope that you will pay for the software later but you are under no obligation to do so.

shopping cart
The shopping cart is a term synonymous with internet shopping over the internet at e-commerce enabled websites.

site activity
Site activity refers to the visits and visitors your Internet website has received.

Spamming is the process of sending a large volume of unsolicited emails to one email address, or one email to many email addresses. Spamming is often employed by people wanting to advertise a product, service or Internet website. Spamming is often a violation of an ISP's rules and conditions regarding Internet usage. Sensis WebWorks™ does not condone spamming.

SSL [Secure Sockets Layer] is a protocol for securing data communication access computer networks.

Streaming is a technology that allows you to listen to audio and watch video continuously as a signal is transferred to your computer from a website.

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Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol [TCP/IP] is a language on the Internet that computers use to communicate with each other. TCP/IP separates information into packets and sends these packets through the Internet.

text link
See link.

A theme refers to the general layout of a page, including the images, colours and text displayed on a page. A theme consists of four main areas: logo, banner, navigation menu and body.

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Uploading is the process of copying files, information and images from your personal workstation to the Internet. The terms upload and import are synonymous.

A Universal Resource Locator [URL] is an Internet page's unique address (ie. location). Every page on the Internet has a unique URL. You can see a web page's URL in the address field at the top of your browser window each time you access the page on the Internet. For the most part, you and your site's visitors do not have to be concerned with a page's URL.

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A visitor is an Internet user who opens a page on your Sensis WebWorks™ Internet website.

A visit occurs every time an Internet user accesses any page on your website. If an Internet user views twenty pages on your website (including viewing a page more than once), your site has received twenty visits from this Internet user.


web browser
See browser.

web page
A web page is a document on the Internet which can include text, pictures, sound and video. The terms page and web page are synonymous.

A website is a collection of web pages that is owned and maintained by an individual, business, government department, institution etc.

WebWorks website address
Your Sensis WebWorks™ website address is created for you when you register your website. The address is, where sitename is the name you enter in the sitename form field when you register your website. This address is used by Internet users to access your website. Internet users can also access your site using your domain name if you register a domain with webworks (see domain name).

A workstation refers to your computer (PC or MAC) and the hardware and software you have attached to, or loaded on, your computer.

World Wide Web [WWW]
The World Wide Web [WWW] is a global system of Internet servers that host pages and other resources that are accessed using a web browser. The WWW is another term for the Internet.

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